We stopped in and saw a few friends old and new, stopped off at some places from memory lane both near and far, and in general, had a pretty damn good time. The Wife was rather disturbed at both the extent and the egregiousness of the Clearcutting in both states, but other than that, the sightseeing was pretty cool. If you haven't done it already, drive 101 from Tillamook to Olympia, and be sure to hit all the little stuff on the side-roads, too.
Anyone? We bet that Bacon could name this bay in his sleep.
Breakfast of Champions, v2.1.
The Needles.
The Cheeseburger that took 2 days to eat.
We were thinkin' about writing more on this trip, but we decided to keep it between us and the Wife. A little privacy, a little intimacy...after all, it ain't YOUR anniversary, right?
Now we be back in the groove...Salty dollies are in.
June will be sweet, fishas.
1 comment:
oh, you betch'r ass fella.
next time you get this way, look me up, eh?
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