That's right, kids.
RoadTrip '11 v6 begins in 20 hours, 42 minutes, and 11 seconds.
A brief stopover in Starbucksville is in order, to visit the nice older couple we used to live with. After that, we're off to the land of BBQ, Shiner, good Mexican food, and thermometer readings higher than your average presidential candidate IQ.
We'll give thanks in the traditional fashion with the In-Laws, then it's off to TurkeyDayFootballLand for the last rendition of the Showdown. We may be family and all, but we're sittin' on the maroon side of the couch, lest we annoy the wife - She socked us one time when we were rockin' out to a Sabbath album 'cause she thought we were givin' the "hook 'em" sign.
At any rate, friends and family will be looked up, good food will git et, and iced (or "ass" in the local lexicon) tea will be consumed in copious quantity. 8 days in the sun, and we ain't fixin to waste no time enjoyin' it.
See you in December, fisha.
Sounds awesome, jealous of that mexican food platter. BTW Mills took me to a run on the lower ronde that shares my nickname, said you were somewhat familiar with it :) It was good to me as well.
There's no run called "gorilla" on the GR, and I'm pretty sure "sasquatch" is out on the coast somewhere...
Glad you found some fish in that place, and one day we'll have to meet up - there or elsewhere - and do the same.
absolutely, you going to make it to the OP this winter?
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