These days are rapidly upon us, with this weekend bringing the threat of single-digit cold, and the daylight hours waning to just about 6 hours per day.
This is the price you pay for living in WonderLand. You get your fixes from May to mid-October, then quit cold-turkey for six mind-numbing, DT-shaking months.
Remember these idyllic scenes?

Replaced by this.

This must be what jail is like. You can see it, you know it is out see media with folks doing what you used to do, back when you were free. You spend the day trying not to come unglued, and at night when your head hits the pillow, your full-color surround-sound movie plays over and over in your brain, lulling you into a reasonable facsimile of sleep.
What keeps us going? Knowing that in 152 days, we will once again be among friends.

the tying days are upon us...or the traveling days to seek out warmer climates and friendlier waters...
Jeez, rub it in, man...
Enjoy Belize while I freeze my ass off up here, hunched over my tying table, covered in marabou fuzz and bunny hair and cackling maniacally to myself.
Just break into the local fly shop that closed for the winter and do all you're tying there. Maybe start up a little speakeasy in the basement while you're at it.
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