This is the inside of Juneau Fly Goods.
One of the very few flyshops I have been in (and I have been in many, many flyshops) that stocks almost 100% full-on hardcore functional flyfishing items and equipment.
Here, you will not find the latest, hippest scarf (or bandanna, I guess is what they call them in Colorado). Nor will you find a "Flyfishing Luggage" section.
What you will find is stuff for SE AK. Good, dependable stuff, most if not all of it tested and selected by the proprietor, Big B.
No goofy fly-tying material selections, no pointless diplays...Just flyfishing stuff.
Plus, there is a comfy chair next to the fly-tying station that, provided you bring the correct brand and volume of beer, you can sink into and shoot the bull for hours with Big B or his sidekick, Crash.
Lucky it's in my town, or I'd have to relocate.
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