Here at Neil Creek we only quantify a few things in integer form, like hours left in the fishing day, beers needed to get from A to B, gallons of fuel for same...important things. Most of the time, Quantities are registered in non-specific terms, i.e. "A few"..."a Bunch"..."an Assload"...and so on.
This weekend we counted a few things to go along with the pictures below. Some numbers are approximate, because as we pointed out previously, we only count important things.
90 Miles in a Cessna 180
10 Miles of Trail
448 Piles of Bear Poo
250 Dolly Varden
8 Sockeye
10 Coho
2 Rainbows
12 Beers
2 Flies used all day
1 Fly recovered from fish that took it,
4 Days ago
19 Beads lost to fish
14 inches of hook cuts on our index finger alone
45 Miles in the Boat
41 Orcas
58 Dungeness Crab,
39 Keepers in
1 Pot

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