Wednesday, September 24, 2014


As if it hasn't been Fall for most of the Summer...

At any rate, Fall is officially here, and that can only mean one thing, fisha - the Annual Fall FreakOut.

21 days, 14 hours, and 51 minutes if a fella was counting, but we're not. Or at least we're trying to pretend that we're not.

Got a full dance card on this trip, with a little fishin', a little workin' a little huntin' and a little family hang-time all rolled up into a 16 day adventure. We'll do our level best at documentation, but as you can see by the state of thing around here lately, we ain't the pitcher-takin' fools we once was.

At any rate, here is some more happenings from the "missing year".



Saturday, September 6, 2014

That was Then v6

More memory card goodness to please your retinas.